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Senin, 10 Januari 2011

to whom it may concern

Warcraft is like a research

Me,..well.. i am just a part of people in this world.. How can i begin this story?

I am a motivated man.  Nevertheless or i can say unfortunately, i am still single. I love playing games as well as doing research. Yap, playing games and doing research is different activity but have the same way. You know, if you are playing a game, we can say warcraft game which is the most popular game in the world, you need to do some research to win this game. what you need are knowing each characters, the strategies, as well as the fuction of each items.

when you play this game, you work in a team. like a research, you have a team also. You give contributions to your team. You take a part in this. You can not do it by yourselves, so you need to separate jobs to your team. Each team member gets different job, but it has one vision.
Furthermore, in warcraft, you are never allowed to do a mistake. You have to do precisely. You will break your team target if you do this, a mistake. You know when you have to attack and when you must hold ground/defend. it is called a strategy. Like in research, you need to have a strategy in managing times/schedule. How fast you finish your research or how your research match to the deadline, is depend on your team schedule.

Therefore, doing a research is like playing a game. You have a team, strategy, as well as the job itself. You have to do your best. Try not do a mistake. ^_^

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