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Assalamualaikum wr.wb
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Senin, 10 Januari 2011

my perfect day


My perfect days are happen since i start staying in malaysia doing my master.  I come here on November 28th, 2010 alone. I depart from Indonesia to Malaysia with Malaysia Airlines and arrive in KLIA. Unfortunatelly, i get lost in that airport because this is my first flight to foreign county alone. I do carefully checking every signs that guide me to exit gate, but i still get lost in imigration gate. Finaly, i can get to exit room, but it become my first unforgetable moment in malaysia.
Furthermore, i am picked up by committee, then go to mahalah campus. Nothing is special. However, when i arrive to campus, i am suprise. First impression about malaysia is not important, but this campus can make me surprise. This campus is separated in 2 different place/state. Both of them are in the hill. My first impression regarding this campus is middle east architecture style. However, if i am not mistake, it looks like castle in harry potter too. There are still raven that make so scary. 
On the other hand, there are a lot of foreign students here, especially from the women from arabic countries. Can you imagine how beautiful cleopatra? They are very beautiful. That makes me want to get married as soon as possible.

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